Saturday, February 02, 2008


Well, I signed in to blogger to write a boring, mundane post about how I've had a cold for the last couple of days, and noticed that I'd written 299 posts, so this is number 300! Yay! Happy 300th post to my blog!

Anyway, back to the cold. It hasn't been debilitating, and I've managed to go to work (partially because I don't get paid if I stay away), but it's been annoying. I also find that I'm not as patient when I'm a bit under the weather as I usually am, and this results in me getting annoyed quicker at stupid things that happen, like people who decide to stop walking for no apparent reason, right in front of me, or people standing on the left-hand side of the escalator (it says "Tenez votre droit!", come on people!). Unfortunately, as it's still illegal in this part of the world to kill people who displease you, simply because they displease you, I haven't done anything about it, and just seeth internally.

Another metro story: I was sitting on the metro the other day (line 14, or perhaps line 1) and the woman sitting diagonally across from me was reading. This isn't such a strange event in itself, as many women read in this country. The strange part was that she was reading aloud, and not quietly either. There weren't many other people on the train at that point, and it was clear that she wasn't reading for the benefit of a friend/child or of the general public. I can tell you that she gave different voices to different characters though.
Normally on the metro people like to pretend that no one else exists. No eye contact, no smiles, just stare off into the distance and imagine it's a private carriage.

The weather was cold, windy, grey, rainy and generally miserable today. It had quite a noticeable effect on some of my students who weren't as happy as they usually are, especially as it's a Friday. I was bored too, as a result of this, the weather, and my cold.
Today was bleurrgh.

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