Monday, June 28, 2010

Accumulated data

Here's the data so far:

Lattes: 5
Flat Whites: 4
Cap: 1*

Total number: 10 (of which I'll count 9*)

8 of these were consistent with my hypothesis, so the experimental hypothesis seems successful so far.

* I had ordered a latte, but the product given to me was obviously a cappuccino, so I won't include it in the analysed data.

Very slack with coffee

I've just realised that I had another coffee post to upload and forgot all about it. I had a coffee at uni last Tuesday, the day before my last exam. I ordered a latte and the resulting product was exactly as expected. It was delicious and topped with a sensible amount of froth for a latte.

I won't be going to uni over the holidays, so I'll either have to finish my experiment here, or wait until the second semester starts in order to collect more data. I haven't had a chance yet to order a flat white and a latte at the same time, so I'm inclined to continue the experiment. I assume you're all fascinated by it too, so I can image that you'd all be distraught if I ended the experiment here.


And it's chocolate. It's been ages since I last made a cake, because of uni commitments, so I thought today was a good day to remedy that situation. I like cake and chocolate, so the combination is a logical plate of deliciousness because I'm not one of those weird people who like both chocolate and cake but who dislike chocolate cake. Weirdos.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kiedy będzie?

Kiedy byłem na dworcu w Katowicach (i byłem tamte dużo razy), myslałem że dworzec Katowicki był najbrzydkiejszy budynek w swięcie, więc kiedy czytałem że Katowice będzie wkrótce mieć nowy dworzec, byłem bardzo szczęśliwy. Ale mój kolega w polsce mi mowił że może to nie będzie tak wkrótce bo to jest wielu fanów obecnego dworca w Katowicach, i oni myslą że dworzec jest zabytek architektury.
Też, myslę jeszcze że Katowice nie jest bardzo piękny i nowy dworzec kolejowy jest bardzo dobry pomyśł.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Mum bought this at the markets. I think it's proof that she's insane. Also, there's no guarantee that all 1000 pieces are in the box, though considering it was only $1.50, that's not a huge issue.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I'm becoming slack with my coffee updates

I had an exam yesterday afternoon, and because of revision, and a desire to avoid drinking diuretics before an exam, I didn't have coffee yesterday. I did have one on Thursday after posting about Wednesday's coffee, so I should add Thursday's coffee's details to the blog to include them in the current coffee project. Thursday's latte was as expected; delicious and with a good amount of foam on top, but less foam than one would expect from a cappuccino.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another interesting number is fast approaching

In other news, I can see another milestone (ish) visitor number on the horizon to pay attention to. Visitor number 12345 will be noted because it's a geometric progression. It's not immediately in sight, but there are only 215 views remaining (as of writing this post) until we get there. Exciting!

Yesterday's coffee

I forgot to post about yesterday's coffee. I obtained a flat white from the usual place and its level of foam was closer to that of a latte than a flat white. I'm beginning to think that the real difference is between different baristas rather than between the actual coffee.
I has been suggested to me that I alter the experimental procedure slightly in order to test this subtheory. If the opportunity arises that I go with another person to this coffee place, then one of us should order a flat white and the other a latte, as this would give us a good chance to compare the work provided by one barista.
I had thought of this method before, but I rarely go there with another person. Usually I visit on my way in from the bus, and I don't wish to buy 2 cups of coffee at once when alone.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The coffee's back

I'm at uni again today and as it's a normal weekday, the coffee establishments are open, so I was able to buy a latte this morning. It adds to my theory - the amount of foam was consistant with latte expectations.

Monday, June 14, 2010

No coffee data today

Today is a public holiday in Queensland to celebrate the Queen's birthday, even though her birthday is actually in April. Because of this public holiday, the coffee establishments on campus are closed today, so I can't buy a latte or a flat while and add it to my current coffee data.
Shame, I could do with a warm caffinated beverage right about now. Or lunch. Maybe I'll go and get some lunch soon.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Yes, I'm bored

1. English:
I'm going to have some fun with the translator. I will translate this passage through several different languages and see what the output is when I get back to English.
I'll post each step along the way.

2. Polish/Polski:
Mam zamiar się zabawić z tłumaczem. Przetłumaczę to przejazd przez kilka różnych językach i zobaczyć, co wynik jest, gdy wrócę na angielski.
Ja po każdym etapie pracy.

3. Danish/Dansk:
Jeg har tænkt mig at have lidt sjov med en tolk. Oversæt passagen gennem flere forskellige sprog, og se, hvad resultatet er, når jeg kommer tilbage til engelsk.
Jeg arbejder på alle stadier.

4. Italian/Italiano:
Io vado a divertirmi un po 'con un interprete. Tradurre il passaggio attraverso diverse lingue e vedere che cosa il risultato è quando torno in inglese.
Io lavoro in tutte le fasi.

5. Finnish/Suomi:
Aion pitää hauskaa "kanssa tulkin. Käännä läpiajo eri kieliä ja katso, mitä tulos on, kun saan Englanti.
Olen töissä kaikissa vaiheissa.

6. Greek/Ελληνικά:
Πάω να έχει τη διασκέδαση "με διερμηνέα. Γυρίστε το πέρασμα μέσα από διαφορετικές γλώσσες και να δούμε ποιο είναι το αποτέλεσμα είναι, όταν έχω στην Αγγλία.
Εργάζομαι σε όλα τα στάδια.

7. Croatian/Hrvatski:
Idem se zabaviti "s tumača. Uključite prolaz kroz različite jezike i vidjeti što ishod je kad sam se u Englesku.
Radim u svim fazama.

8. Hungarian/Magyar:
Megyek szórakozik "a tolmács. Kapcsolja be a folyosón át különböző nyelveken, és mi az eredmény, amikor jöttem Angliába.
Én munka minden fázisában.

9. German/Deutsch:
Ich werde Spaß haben "die Dolmetscherin. Um den Gang in die verschiedenen Sprachen schalten, und was ist das Ergebnis, wenn ich nach England kam.
Ich arbeite auf allen Stufen.

10. Romanian/Română:
Voi avea distractiv ", interpret Pentru a activa coridor în diferite limbi,. Şi ceea ce este rezultatul atunci când am venit în Anglia.
Eu lucrez la toate nivelurile.

11. Back to English:
I'll have fun, "performer To activate corridor in different languages. And what is the result when I came to England.
I work at all levels.

Interesting. I don't know where the corridor came from. If you can speak/understand any of the intermediate steps, let me know your opinion of what it says in that language.

Сюжетната линия е на български език

Bu kedi için. Evet, senin ismini çevirdik. Bu dilin bir örnek sana ve tanımak belki anlamak mümkün olacağını varsayabiliriz olacaktınız. Dilbilgisi ve kelime ki zor ama belki kullandım. İstanbul'a baklava, lokum karşılığında istiyorum, ve börek. Elma çayı burada bulabilirsiniz olarak baklava ve lokum, tabii ki, ama zor Brisbane börek bulmak lazımdır.

(I ran that one backwards through the translator and I only understood it because I knew what I'd intended to say.)

Qui fait le chauffage?

Jestem, jeszcze raz, w uniwersytetu bo ja chcę zrobić zmian. Jest bardzo ciepło tutaj, w ten pokoju. Nie wiem dlaczego bo nie był tak ciepło piątek kiedy byłem tutaj. Mam swoja kartka dzisiaj, tak szans!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Aš turiu tam tikrą laiką pertraukos

Manau, kad aš vis priklausomas nuo "Google" išversti. Pažadu, kad tai bus paskutinis, bent jau šį vakarą, o gal tiesiog kol aš tapti nuobodu vėl. Būčiau labai sužavėtas, jei koks nors mano dienoraščio skaitytojai turėjo galimybę nustatyti, kurios vartotos kalbos, šiandien be programinės įrangos ar kitos trečiosios šalies lėšų. Norėčiau būti dar labiau atspausti, jeigu bet kuri iš jų galėjo suprasti visų trijų kalbų be vertimo prietaisas padėti.

Një gjuhë tjetër e pazakontë

Jam i sigurt se unë kurrë nuk kam shkruar asgjë në gjuhën shqipe para, kështu që ndërsa ka një shans shumë të vogla që postin tim te fundit nuk ishte postin tim të parë islandez, unë kam besim në pohuar se ky është postimi im i parë në këtë gjuhë. Shqiptar ka grupe bashkëtingëllore të çuditshme, por kjo nuk ka letra interesante që ju të gjeni në islandeze. Si një shënim anë, ato letra interesante Islandeze ekzistuar një herë në gjuhën angleze, por ata kanë qenë jashtë përdorimit për shumë vjet tani.

Sumir íslensku bragðefni

Ég held ekki ég hef nokkru sinni skrifað á íslensku á blogginu mínu áður, þannig að það er í fyrsta skipti fyrir allt.
Ég hef ekki hugmynd um hvort þetta er skrifað í rétt á íslensku eða ekki því þekking mín málið er í lágmarki og ég er með þýðanda Google.
Íslenska hefur áhugaverð bréf.

Nie mam swoja kartki

Je suis venu à la fac pour que je puisse étudier. Je me trouve dans la bibliothèque parce que j'ai oublié ma porte-monnaie chez-moi et dans ma porte-monnaie reste ma carte d'accès pour gps et ses labos, et parce qu'on est samedi, les portes de gps sont verouillées. Ce n'est pas mal dans la bibliothèque mais je n'ai pas d'argent pour acheter un mars ou un coca. C'est un peu bizarre (même zarbie) pour moi car normalement je ne sors jamais de la maison sans ma porte-monnaie, sauf quand je promene les chiens.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I have a circle, a triangle and a round.

While wandering around the refec today trying to decide which of their fine products I would consume, I read the slogan on a tshirt being worn by a fellow patron. Obviously someone for whom the concept of fitness is a purely theoretical construct, this shirt proudly declared "I am in shape, 'round' is a shape". I've seen either this shirt or identical shirts before and not given them more than a millisecond's thought, but today was different. I felt something was wrong, and, as always, I was right. There's an error in the shirt's statement, for 'round' is not actually a shape. 'Round' is an adjective, not a noun (in this context, but the noun of round doesn't refer to shapes at all). Sphere, circle, polygon, dodecahedron and oblong are all shapes. Round, spherical, circular, rectangular, and polygonal are all adjectives.
Shirt slogans have no excuse for poor grammar.

Moja Kawa

Today I ordered a flat white as part of my ongoing experiment. The finished product was delicious and completely satisfies my previously mentioned coffee theory. There was only a tiny amount of froth on the top of my coffee.

For those of you who were concerned about my brioche, I ate it last night with a cup of tea rather than risk it being stale this morning. I definitely want to revert to my Parisian habit of having brioche and hot chocolate for breakfast.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Je veux ma brioche

Hier, ma mère m'a acheté une petite brioche et je pensais que je pouvait la manger à la fac ce matin avec mon café. Une bonne idée, n'est-ce pas?
Oui, sauf que j'ai oublié de la prendre quand je suis sorti de la maison ce matin. Donc, j'ai dû boire mon café sans brioche et la brioche reste dans la cuisine. J'espère que ça sera toujours bon à manger demain.
Je sais que mon café quotidien est normalement sans brioche, mais le problème ce matin, c'était que je buvais mon café en sachant que j'avais une brioche qui n'était pas aussi à la table.


Today's coffee post is here for those of you who were waiting with baited breath.
I am wondering, however, if I can truly count this one because I think the barista accidentally made a cap instead of a latte. There's more foam than usual and chocolate powder was dusted on top. Sounds like a cap to me.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

More coffee

For those of you who are desperate for news of my daily coffee, I must apologise for the lack of a coffee-post yesterday but I didn't actually drink any the whole day. I did have 2 cups of tea.
Today's flat white was delicious but once again, I can't include it in my current coffee experiment because I'm at home and I made it myself.
In completely unrelated news, I want to learn how to fly a helicopter.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Another coffee

I ordered a flat white this morning from my favourite coffee establishment on campus. The amount of foam on top was more than my recent flat whites, but still slightly less than the lattes. This coffee was in danger of being an outlier in my experiment, but I think the amount of foam was low enough to still claim that it supports my hypothesis.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Yesterday's coffee

I forgot to post yesterday after I bought my morning coffee because I was sidetracked by a conversation about our current assignment.
Anyway, I need to report that I purchased a latte and it did come topped with froth. So far, that's 3 out of 3 that support my hypothesis.

All 3 coffees were created by different baristas, so I shall need more data points to cover the discrepancies that may occur due to this difference.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Lost a shoe?

On my way to the bus this morning, I passed a lone shoe beside the footpath. I assumed that someone must have been carrying it, as you'd surely notice if a shoe fell off while you were walking. On the way home from the bus, I passed the orange boot in the photo and noticed that the first shoe had disappeared. Is there some sort of secret footwear exchange programme going on near the bus stop?

Coffee log

Today's latte was topped with a good amount of froth, thereby supporting my previously-mentioned latte vs flat white hypothesis. 2 data points and counting!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Mr Beans

I previously believed that the take-away lattes and flat whites were the same (taky sam, or la meme chose) but my flat white this morning is distinctly different from the latte that I consumed yesterday. The coffee is the same, oczywiscie, but there is noticeably less froth on top of my flat white. As a true experimentalist, I shall have to significantly increase my sample size while decreasing, as much as possible, other external factors such as differences due to different baristas etc, before coming to any final conclusions, but I have formulated my hypothesis.
Let the experimental fun begin!