Saturday, June 12, 2010

Aš turiu tam tikrą laiką pertraukos

Manau, kad aš vis priklausomas nuo "Google" išversti. Pažadu, kad tai bus paskutinis, bent jau šį vakarą, o gal tiesiog kol aš tapti nuobodu vėl. Būčiau labai sužavėtas, jei koks nors mano dienoraščio skaitytojai turėjo galimybę nustatyti, kurios vartotos kalbos, šiandien be programinės įrangos ar kitos trečiosios šalies lėšų. Norėčiau būti dar labiau atspausti, jeigu bet kuri iš jų galėjo suprasti visų trijų kalbų be vertimo prietaisas padėti.


Kat said...

I needed help with working out the lithuanian. Icelandic and shqip were easy, though it definitely helped confim it that you said the names of both languages in the posts. If you had done the same for this one, I would have no doubt got that one too. As it was, I got as far as 'something slavic-ish, but a long way from my corner of slav-land, which is about right.

Sean said...

I should have mentioned the language - it would have given you a fighting chance. The Icelandic was fairly easy because no one else uses those letters, and Shqip was pretty obvious for anyone who knows what Shqip is and took the time to read a bit through it. I don't think I would have guessed the Lithuanian either, but I could have narrowed it down to a Baltic language, I think.