Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Qui suis-je?

Je suis l'homme et je suis la femme
Je ne suis ni l'homme ni la femme
Je suis l'un et ju suis l'autre
Je ne suis ni l'un ni l'autre

Qui suis-je?


Anonymous said...

No one is having a stab at this? Okay, well you could be: a bad smell (in the sense of "he followed us around like a ~ ). Or you could be: taxes, or at least the tax authority. Or you could be: the other thing which just as inevitable as taxes. But none of them work well with "je ne suis ni l'un ni l'autre", which I kinda understand as "i am not one thing or the other". You are ambiguity? The Unknown? Actually, that works quite well, come to think.

Sean said...

Well, I'm not too surprised that there haven't been any other attempts, as the number of francophones who read my blog is rather low. And Kat knows the answer anyway because I was talking to her about it online when I wrote the post. So, as far as I know, that leaves you and one other regular reader as the only regular francophones.

For the record, it's none of the options you've suggested, although I can see how "bad smell" would fit with the clues. It's something that exists (ie, it's not god (or a god)) and it's not an anthropomorphic personification, nor is it taxes.

David Barry said...


Sean said...

No, it's definitely something.