According to my facebook page this evening, I have 360 friends. This morning, I had 362, so obviously 2 people have defriended* me (only 2, as I haven't had any new friendings of late). The annoying thing about this is that I can't work out who the newly ex-friends are. Evidently they're not people with whom I have a great deal of contact as I'd notice if one of them were missing. They're also not one of the 2 or 3 people I'm considering defriending myself, which is a shame as it would have saved me having to do it. I don't actually care that this has happened except that it has made me curious and therefore I would like to know.
I'll possibly notice it in time when someone who used to be a friend comments on another friend's photo or status and it tells me how many friends we have in common, which is how I discovered the identities of other people who had defriended me at some point in the past.
Well, time now for bed. The question of the identities of these ex-friends definitely isn't worth losing any sleep over.
* I realise that unfriend it the word that has made it into one of the more respected dictionaries but I prefer defriend.
Another clue : if someone decided to suspend all its account for a while, he might not appear in your contacts. I think I know one of the 2. Possibly.
I'm with you - 'defriend' is definitely the correct term. I don't want a bar of this 'unfriending' business.
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