Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pronunciation mistake

I was speaking in French today with a French lass from my course when I mentioned, in French, that I am a citizen of the European Union thanks to my Irish grandmother. However, I was a bit lazy with my pronunciation of the word "citizen" (citoyen) and so this lass thought that I'd said something else:

I wanted to say: "Je suis citoyen de l'Union Européenne".
But she heard: "Je suis citroën de l'Union Européenne".


1 comment:

labradorianin said...

Salut!, Cześć ! How are you mate !
Zafascynowal mnie ten 3-jezyczny blog. Trafilem przypadkiem na blog Aggie, a potem na twoj. Poskakalem po tych podrozach i nie udalo mi sie ustalic jakie jest twoje polskie imie. Domyslam sie ze twoi rodzice sa Polakami z Brisbane. Pozdrawiam ze slonecznego Gold Coast.
Filip (filip_tom@hotmail.com)