Monday, June 30, 2008

Football noise

Spain has just won the Euro Cup 2008 (football/soccer for those who haven't been following it). Germany lost the final. Nat is probably happy, as it will be quieter in Berlin tonight than if Germany had won, but I think the Germans in Paris would be fewer and quieter than the Spaniards here, so I think I would have preferred it if Germany had won. I would like to get to sleep tonight, and it's not an option in this weather to sleep with the windows shut, so I guess I'll just have to put up with the sound.

Groan... why couldn't a quiet country have won? Like Iceland, for example. I'm sure there wouldn't be too many Icelanders in Paris, as there aren't many in the entire world, so it would be a more peaceful win.


Anonymous said...

I wasn't concerned either way - the Germans aren't that loud when they win. But even here in Berlin I did notice that the Spanish are possibly just as noisy as the Turks! Fortunately there's hardly any Spaniards here (relatively speaking) so we just got a tiny sample of what must have been happening in Madrid. And in Paris...

Sean said...

It was loud here, but I'm sure it was peaceful compared to what folks would have had to put up with in Madrid.

And on a school night too...