Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What I did on my weekend

What I did on my weekend:
(I don't think this blog post is going to become a revolutionary document that plunges the entire empire into turmoil. It's a weekend, not a holiday, after all.)

On Saturday night I went to the cinema at UGC Cité, Les Halles, to see The Spiderwick Chronicles (VO, of course). I wasn't expecting it to be a brilliant piece of cinema, but I enjoyed it. There was at least one obvious Harry Potter reference/incident of plagiarism. The special effects were good and the child actors weren't bad. I was worried that the actors would be a problem as chold actors often are in films in general.

On Sunday morning I went to the laudrette, which isn't terribly exciting, and to show how boring it was, there was a woman asleep on the couch in there. It was 10am.

After lunch I caught up with Nat, Clair and Ruby who were in Paris for a night before heading off to the south of France for about a week. It was great to see them again. We walked around Ile de la Cité (the island in the Seine with the Notre Dame). After an hour or so, we parted because I had a rendez-vous with a French friend, which was only a brief meeting, so afterwards I visited the abovementioned family and their friends at their hotel for dinner, so I got to hang out for a few more hours with them. It rained on the walk from their hotel to the métro.

So that was my weekend. It was nice, but not revolutionary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A griffin is a ancient legendary creature and was not created by J.K. Rowling.
