Thursday, March 06, 2008

Il a neigé!

Oui, c'est vrai! A Paris!

I was out at Meudon-la-Forêt today, like most Wednesdays. At about 2pm, it begam to snow, and then continued, lightly. For about 10mins, it snowed quite heavily, which was cool to watch. It was a bit distracting during the lesson (mostly distracting for me), but je m'en fou.
I was told that it snowed in Paris as well, but only lightly, so I'm glad I was at Meudon because I got to see a lot more fall.
None of it survived long on the ground, and the snow that fell on Paris didn't have a chance. I didn't have my camera with me, so I wasn't able to take photos (I had my phone, but the photo quality isn't worth the effort).


David Barry said...

Are you sure it was snow? I saw white stuff falling slowly from the sky yesterday in Le Mans, but it was harder than snow and softer than hail. I'm pretty sure it was graupel. Certainly enough to get me excited - I'd never seen anything like it. I thought at first that it was sleet, and one of my friends in Paris said that it "sleeted" there as well.

(I did get pictures.)

Sean said...

Yeah, definitely sure. I might have only been sleet in Paris, and it was definitely just sleet that fell a couple of days ago in Paris, but this was snow. I've seen it snow often enough to recognise it (living through a Polish winter will do that for you) and my students were sure it was snow too.

David Barry said...

Fair enough then. I haven't seen snow from close-up for around 18 years I think.