Monday, July 04, 2005

Silver Mine at Tarnowskie Góry and Hovercrafts & Eels

I went to a silver mine at Tarnowskie Góry today (surprise surprise, given the title of this post). It was kind of cool, in the literal and figurative senses, as it was 10 degrees as well as being interesting and fun. The mine used to be for silver, but was closed in 1902 and then opened in 1976 as a tourist attraction. The guides take you down to some tunnels to walk through the mine and then to a place, still underground where you get on a boat and and float through an underground river, which was nice, but cold.

I asked the Ukrainian and Serbian exchange students to translate the hovercraft phrase for me, so now I have it in three extra languages! (Sort of - the Serbian girl translated it into Serbian and Croatian, which are identical when spoken, and only differ in the written form because they use different alphabets (roman for croatian and cyrillic for serbian)).

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