Tuesday, March 28, 2006

French Film Festival

I went to see one of the movies showing as part of the French Film Festival last night. We ended up seeing a film called "Manuale d'Amore" (Manual of Love) which is an Italian film. You might think it strange that I saw an Italian film as part of the French Film Festival. Well, I didn't really.

We wanted to see a film called "Couches Froides" but when we got there it had sold out. As had the films for today and all but one of the films for tomorrow. Incidentally, the only film in the festival that we didn't want to see.

So, we had a look at the other films showing at the cinema and the Italian film was one option, so we saw that. It was quite a good film and I enjoyed it, but I will have to remember to buy tickets well in advance for future French Film Festivals (I hope you enjoyed that alliteration).

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