Sunday, October 24, 2010


It's been a while since my last blog post. I have been consuming coffee, but not posting about it for some reason. I feel that my hypothesis is correct, and therefore it's not necessary to continue the experiment. I have been consuming coffee, of course, although not on a daily basis as some days have been far too hot for a warm milky beverage.
Other than the coffee, I've been busy this month with a lot of extra tutoring (well, mostly just extra marking) and assignments that need to be completed soon, given that tomorrow heralds the last teaching week of the semester.
At this very moment, I'm taking a break from reading a chapter of a book describing error correction in microwave network analyser measurements and trying to work out how it applies to the measurements I took a few weeks ago with a network analyser. Because I've now read the appropriate chapter several times, it's not the most interesting book to wade through, so it's a bit of a slog.

Recently, in one of my lectures on medical imaging techniques, a lecturer was talking about taking PET scans of rats and other small mammals, and how for small mammals, they have a PET scanner and a CT scanner (aka CAT scanner) in one system. It's referred to as the PET-CT, or PET-CAT, and pronounced as 'pet-cat' regardless of which acronym is used. The lecturer spent quite some time describing how he put the rat into the PET-CAT, completely oblivious to how it sounded.

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