Thursday, December 27, 2007

Joyeux Noël!

Merry Christmas everyone.

I hope you all had fun. Mine was a fairly quiet Christmas this year. I had dinner with friends at their apartment on Christmas Eve, as that's the main meal/celebration time in many European countries, including France and Poland. It was a nice evening, and I got home late, so the late evening combined with my tiredness (I hardly slept on Sunday night) meant that I was exhausted by Monday night, so I slept in on Christmas day, not waking up until 10:30ish. I meant to wake up earlier so that I could talk with my family, via Skype, while they were unwrapping presents, but I missed the event, so we spoke later. It was probably a good thing because the connection was horrible enough later, and would have been frustrating while they were unwrapping everything.

I hope your Christmases were fun, and now it's time to think about plans for Le Jour de l'An (New year's eve).

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