Thursday, August 16, 2007

Last week at Lines

Well, this is my last week at Lines, in Cold Ash. It's been an eventful 5 and a half weeks, or really, 6 weeks since my actually arrival.

On Saturday I'm heading up to Edinburgh in Scotlandshire for a few days to visit Liz and other people. I've booked my train ticket and I'll be travelling with another teacher heading the same way, so there'll be someone nice to talk to on the 6 and a half hour journey from Thatcham. Britain seems like such a small island, and it's stupid that a journey from here to Edinburgh should take so long, but I've been told that part of the reason is that the tracks in this land are shite. Banjaxed, if you will.

After Scotlandshire I'll head to France but I haven't yet booked my flight mostly due to two problems: one is not knowing when I am going to leave the UK and the other is not knowing where I need to land in France. Actually, come to think of it, I don't exactly know where in Scotshire I'll be when I want to depart these wet shores.

Speaking of wet, it rained today. In England. What a surprise.
More suprisingly, it was actually sunny for a couple of days in a row at the weekend!

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