Monday, August 01, 2005


This is a postcard. It arrived in my letterbox almost 2 weeks ago. It comes courtesy of Aggie, who found it while in England, and felt that it was definitely ugly enough to warrant sending. I agree. She has since informed me that a similar postcard of Queen Lizzie was another option. The photo is a screen capture from my webcam, but if the resolution is too low for you to appreciate the beauty of the card, let me know and I'll take a high-res pic with my digicam and send it to you. Admittedly, it's not a naked-man-arse, but if you want, you can picture Charles naked. :-) I bet that put a bad image in your head. Have a nice day :-)


Anonymous said...

thanks sean

Sean said...

No problem. You can imagine Queen Lizzie naked too if you want.