Monday, January 14, 2008

Sean has a Flickr account

I decided to go with Flickr instead of Picasa. No, that's not quite true. I had decided to go with Picasa but Picasa advised me to choose Flickr. I tried installing Picasa's program on my computer, but the installation program only ran in Polish, and while I speak basic Polish, I couldn't be bothered working out what Picasa wanted to do, and what the different options were that I was required to select during the process. I tried downloading and installing the program several times, but in the end decided that it was trying to tell me that Flickr would better serve my needs.
I wanted to use Picasa because it's a google program, whereas Flickr is a yahoo program, and I usually prefer google. I might change over to Picasa sometime in the future, we'll see.

Anyway, the crux of this is that my Vienna photos (or at least a large portion thereof) are available for viewing HERE.


Anonymous said...

Having now viewed your photos in Flickr and someone elses in Picasa I find Picasa a more user-friendly viewing program. Shame about the installation problems.....

PS why weren't there any squirrel photos????

Anonymous said...

Hi - I tried looking at your photos but it said that Mr Quack doesn't have any photos for me. Do I need to be logged in?

Sean said...

Angie - I prefer the viewing interface with Picasa as well, so I'm going to give it another go in a few days or so.

Aggie - I don't know why it didn't work - the photos aren't private, so anyone should be allowed to view them. I'll send you a personal invitation and see if that works.

Sean said...

Oh, and I didn't see any squirrels - maybe they were hibernating or they flew south for the winter.