Thursday, September 22, 2005


I currently teach a class of three students, who are all doctors. They want to pass an exam called IELTS which will allow them to work in hospitals in the UK, and actually get paid a decent wage.

One of these students told me last night that I should get an injection to vaccinate me against influenza. A horrible thought. What's more, this particular shot is intra-muscular, which means, for those of you not up with the latest medical terminology, 'extremely painful'. Of course, the pain isn't a major issue for someone like me, given my extremely high tolerance, but I do have a fear of needles. They're not friendly, not fun. Unfortunately, he made quite a good case for the shot and logically I should have it done. But I don't want to. I'd be there in a shot (notice the pun) if the treatment could be sensibly administered through a tablet.

I guess I somehow feel that I will inevitably end up having being punctured by a ridiculously large and thick piece of metal in order to avoid things like the flu, and apparently nastier conditions that the flu can lead to such as kidney infections/failure which don't sound pleasant.

I can't even claim financial reasons for avoiding this sadomasochistic act because the injection only costs 30zł, which is really quite cheap (about $12 AUD).

Life would be a lot simpler and less painful if I could just guarantee that no sick people would breath, cough or sneeze in my general direction.


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